Join Mike for a gentle start to your day with news, up to date traffic and travel, weather and plenty of great music including the “Breakfast” track of the day.
Plus, just to help wake up the brain, see if you can unscramble the “beat the intro in reverse” competition.

Mike Allen has been a presenter with Belfast89 since the stations first week of broadcasting. His previous profession was an airline pilot and when not on the air he can still be found in the air in his role as a flying instructor.
Mike first started in radio as a researcher / broadcaster on Radio Foyle whilst still flying for the airlines. During a break from flying, he joined Radio Ulster as a researcher / broadcaster on a regular daily morning show and then could be seen on television on BBC ONE Northern Ireland in a weekly current affairs program.
After this taste of broadcasting, he returned to aviation flying the rich and famous around the world in private jets.
A car crash ended his flying around the world days and he returned to the airwaves and flying locally.